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Proud fundamentalist, Antarctica the missing link, evolution untrue

I must exist, I live for a time.

The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”. And he was. Surat ʾAl ʿImran 3: 58-60

I asked creation about it’s existence, existence answered, the exister spoke; I am dead.  An exister force transcendently permits sustains willing destroying creating killing the universe in every moment; we are told. We live peacefully in our region, without bothering anyone, people present at creation, old souls.

I could never be an atheist; they are strange; atheists exist.

Elloh, the force in/of/before/with/through/outside/after to maturity, contingent existence ever contingent when not created dead self crossed the all-hour evolution when the bell told every body made its way to its spot. Who can un-permit after the permitter has spoken? Only the permitter allowed to be. I cannot speak something I am not. Elloh, Allah, the force, caused the all hour (known as creation), spoke the all hour, so we know Allah, Elloh is Allah,  the allower. Elloh is the permitter, the perimeters of existence are known, he spoke the all-hour, so he is the all-hour. Muslims argue Allah exists outside time-space, others contend we affirm the literal meaning. In Bajan, Elloh in time-space means, Elloh is in time space, Elloh isn’t time space, Elloh did not time space. Profoundly, Elloh also “did,” he is past tense, in a way time space is not. Elloh, perrmitter, pronounced from himself into time space. Elloh is not time space.

There is a difference between Elloh (allow our father/ Ellohim – allow him) and Adonai (father). In Arabic, Allahu (allow who?), Allaha (allow her), Allahi (allow he). The surpreme deity, known in Quran as Allah, transcendently “allowing” existing to existing in every moment; the universe has permission to existing and it’s harmony depending on abiding by his laws, he is the allower of all allowers causing in the end, the hour of hours. When you add the Hindu/ Aztec/Mayan deities, it says “maa shaa Allah,” Allah then action. I say loudly that we are allowed, Elloh’s allowance (rizq). He is generous (has karama). I am the full form hourglass, I have connection with the permitter, on the four edges (hips and shoulders), but I died every death at the waste, I died again in the knees; I tounded the corner, I mountain in the chest, and I hump in the back. The natural contours of  my body express the relationship between Elloh , the permitter, the allower…and existence. 


The full qipu (kkik), is the keep or guard of how we all died, several times, the universe. I’m shy, but I know my curvy sexiness is this balance, it shows in my hair and eyes, all the colors (collars), it entrained, to the allower. They’re all meeting in a spiral, one has gotten in, another needs to get through to exist. “Awl’luh.dum in.nuh spai’ayirul lai’ai’n fuh’uh mee’eet.tihn’g waw’awn gaw’awn.nin an.neduh baw’aw’ee gaw’aww geht.tchru boa tuh mek.kee.” The 13 ages were contained by the 12 knowers (hours). One age was cast down (slipped), folded in on itself (Sodom and Gomorrah), and got through everything to the center (fertilization). It is known in the judeo-christian tradition as a snake (a belt), at the all hour it pelted down all over and through (the northern and southern crosses); khatm al quran. The world spoken (broken) into existence. It’s microcosmically the same on every level. It got through and shock the system. It’s a harmony that hurts, to produce harmony, containing this disharmony (childbirth). Maintaining as much harmony as possible is necessary to appease the (Elloh) allower of disharmony, know your place. The seven layers of the earth, the seven continents (plateaus), the seven segments of a person, the seven levels of the atmosphere, the seven planets, the seven sisters…

the atomic nucleus is two parts
–> atoms clashed
the volcano is two soils (from earth and sun)
–> the land and sea clashed
the earth is more than one planet (from alien and earth)
–> planet and the earth clashed (volcanoes on earth)
the child is two parents (I’m naturally hermaphroditic.)
–> the genitals clashed
the sun is more than one star (from other star and sun)
—> solar systems clashed
the milky way is more than one galaxy (from Milky Way and Andromeda)
—> galaxies clashed
the galaxy cluster is more than one galaxy cluster (from galaxy cluster one and two)
—> galaxy clusters clashed

The all-hour/all-over, must be respected, the force sustaining all of this transcendently in each moment. When the all-hour does not exist, broken into existence again; another get’s through. In Judeo-Christian tradition, again, Adam and Eve are spoken down from heaven after they left the “certain way” they were on (still planetary). All over Barbados island, the ancients reverence for this force as it should be revered is visible; the Arawaks and Caribs bled people, depending on the conditions, to make sure (an.neduh in geht tchru) another exists, does not, will get through to keep everyone safe. We’re existence, our hourglass died the era, eon, phase, death, age, hour, and cull.  Gratitude (Islam/submission) was my life, as the allower spoke me to be. Muslims believe Islam is ease, and the Quran is meant to ease everything. Muslims call “Allahu akbar” five times a day, each line twice, “greater than what is allowed, greater than what is feared” aloud, doing everything a certain way, then pray quietly or alloud, separate or together, depending on gender, to appease the greater force.

Contingent existence, ever contingent, not is
When not related, dead self
I see a problem, issue, fix I
To rectify sight I write.

Passing each day, in peace but not silence
Watching the world go by, but not being left behind
Striving for dreams to come true
But not wasting life in striving
Light has come, darkness is slow to disappear.
Such is life.

A women isn’t going to live she need exist.

Allow our opening
Threw mines lies delusions or not.
Sincere hearts tension, insisting, asking, without.
Might non-commencing silence thrive in the abyss.
Older ways yield to purifying wants.
True, such is life, warfare.
From the beginning.

In the end it doesn’t matter exist.

Existality (n.) – being, thinking and feeling genuinely, authentically, materially or psychologically, itself

Existial (adj.) – dealing with the genuine, authentic being, thinking, and feeling of a thing, materially or psychologically

In Bajan, we seldom say someone, we say somebody, “sum~’baw’aw’ee“. Bodies are human, cognitive, animal, terrestrial, as we are. Everything one body relates to other body: It’s all in language.

Language is a fact; plate tectonics are a fact, evolution is a theory.

Contingent existence, ever contingent, not is
When not created (related), dead self.

Darwin believed: “Organisms that happen to have variations that help them to survive in their environments survive and have more offspring. The offspring are born with their parents’ helpful traits, and as they reproduce, individuals with that trait make up more of the population. When there was no food or water that they could reach with their short trunks, the ones with short trunks died off, and the ones with long trunks survived and reproduced.”

Organisms were allowed into being by a transcendently overpowering force -> every organism has a birth/death, dust is living/dying
The circle of life continues, reincarnation/regeneration -> each organism moves from dust-> existing in this plane->dust (in the earth to be returned)
Birth is death, and death is birth-> a passage into this plane, a passage into the next plane

Image result for brahma shiva vishnu

The mind, body and soul:

  • one earth we are core (mind), impacter (soul), body (original earth) sense.
  • when we leave, we leave most of it behind (the earth) -> mind, body and soul
  •  we are still ourselves, but only “the other” and some earth (the core) -> mind, body and soul

This image explains the structure of Cahokia (Cok.kuh.roa.ahk).

War and all kind a thing this man preaching, something dead reach him, and him dead. I wonder if one day that, some idiot will say that him want a war.

Joy is flowing, like a river
For the comforter has come
On the stormy sea, Ellohi peaks the sea
While the bellows cease to roll
Oh blessed quietness, holiness quietness
What assurance in my soul,
On the stormy seas Ellohi peaks the sea
While the bellows cease to roll

heart = earth= death
– moon and earth pushing and pulling at each other, Jupiter the collision planet
– moon = parts of other + parts of the earth
– earth = parts of other + parts of earth
– Jupiter = parts of others + parts of earth

– expands to planets around sun
– expands to sun around galaxy center

To see, and understand a pronounced existence:

Hear my cry oh Lord, and attend unto my prayer
From the ends of the earth, will I cry unto thee
When my heart is overwhelemed, lead me to the rock
That is higher than I, that is higher than I
For though has been a shelter or me
And a strong tower, from the enemy,
When my heart is overwhelmed,
Lead me to the rock, that is higher thsn I
That is higher than I.

These are the letters. We are elements, the moving non-moving, the solid space, resounding silence, stationary business, superficial profundity. The previous plane is a place of reform, this plane is an area of  expansion and transformation , the next plane is an area of rest, before transfering to the plane of reformation. Creation is the authentic relation between the forces within ourselves, others, and the force that governs all force transcendently in each moment. Earth birth is a new creation continuing previous creation in the parameters of space-time, thought and understanding.


So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish under the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:27-28)

And the Lord God Most High planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed from dust. (Genesis 2:8)

One species cannot become a new species as it fails to relate to the parent organism. An organism must be most of the parent, some of the parent, or all of the parent. Two organisms that cannot “meet,” mate and produce offspring, are disconnected, unrelated; therefore not sharing a relation (creation). The connections between organisms are not altered with time; all organisms are descendants with a loss and gain of stacks, from the first creation. This reality is evident in our chromosomes.

The Broken Trident: aquamarine is for the sky and the sea, gold is for the sun and the sand, black is for the soil. Keep this in mind. More on West Indians flags here.


He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days and then established Himself above the Throne – the Most Merciful, so ask about Him one well informed. And when it is said to them, “Prostrate to the Most Merciful,” they say, “And what is the Most Merciful? Should we prostrate to that which you order us?” And it increases them in aversion.Blessed is He who has placed in the sky great stars and placed therein a [burning] lamp and luminous moon.
(Surah Al Furqan: 59-61)

The Nazca (Nuff.tuh) lines count to around 26-28 to my eyes, its necessary to ask those familiar with these lines about the number and design, obtaining detailed pictures.

A man is 17 raka: .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. |.. .. .. .. .. .. ….  (# … #)  (# o #) -> men p…penis shape lol
raka raka raka raka na raka raka raka raka and raka raka raka bi (mana) -> raka fa man nabi

A woman is 20 raka:  .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. | .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. .. (# v #) (# v #) -> women w…wagina shape lol
rakarakarakaraka mi rakarakarakaraka and rakarakarakaraka mi rakarakarakaraka -> raka fa man mami

People are words, spoken into life, as known to the Maya. Everything in creation is possibly created from these six letters (fa, sa, ta, ya, ma, na), that is CHONPS. Consonant and vowel formations, are the actual elements; the The Lord God Most High spoke, and existence existed. I am dust, stardust, elements, the soil.

The star and the two flags are the frame, more here. The two dots are also on a plane. The joining of the inner circles form another plane.


7 distinct raka  make hu mani bi raka…these are the five main joints. After that, we  have different combinations of sections to different rhythms that define our ethnic groups. There is also a distinction between man or woman, with the four female body forms, and two male body forms…there are five raka that make uh mani bi raka. This is animals? There are combinations of raka that make us hu mana mana bi raka or uh mana mana bi raka.

There are six basic elements at the foundation of creation, CHONPS.

CHONPS -> Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur

This helps us understand the nitrogenous bases.  The chicken came first, not the egg. The word was created in six days,  and the Lord God Most High rested/paused on the seventh day. There are six vowels sounds producing life, with the seventh being a pause.  Heard through language across the planet, is the amount of time each people has. As noted by the Fibonacci sequence,  DNA is organized mathematically not unlike Algebra. Vowels are distributed through consonants.  “Undistributed”  in six days is, fi sittati ayyaamin, distributed (sisi) (tatatatati) (yayaya), (yayaya), (yayaya) (mamani). Adenine (A), thymine (T), guanin (G), cytosine (C) and uracil (U) are five vowel sounds in speech, as nothing is spoken without vowel as connectors or pauses,  (P)phosphorus is running through the backbone.

Keep these maps in mind as you read. 

The Caribbean plate does not include Barbados, Trinidad, and Tobago…these are on the South American Plate. The Cape Verde and Canary Island are on the African Plata, it is necessary to use an ocean level simulator to observe sea level changes.

It is the Antarctica (Gondwana), that is the origin of humans…the first creation.  The world’s oldest civilizations are built using a particular type of construction and brick work, around the globe. The flag of Barbados expresses; along with other flags, a story. We are Kuh’aiy.aa’an, Sogegih Ichiguanyan; I have this picture on my back. Keep this image in mind, the midnight sun, the noontime night.


Evolution does not exist, as it is described by modern scientists, animals lost raka in their DNA through inbreeding and other parts of their DNA stacked to give them the characteristics they have today. The plates have been moving for millions of years. Carl Linnaeus hypothesized correctly, continental drift and “island hopping,” in an age of belief. I believe in creation and regeneration (birth and rebirth), not in evolution.

The connectors on chromosomes make five dots so the raka are grouped in fives, as are the basic vowels. The fives are on the extremities, there are three hands, the two feet go together to make a large hand, to stand on, the stand. Remember this, for the spiralling dance. The Japanese  have four “tomoe,” keep that in mind, a ho-ho. As my casta shows, I have four rings on my right hand, and one right on my left hand (pondering),the one ring; remember the flag? I am the sky, the sea, the sun, the sand, and the soil, the midnight sun, the noontime night.

I know many watch television, this is the “Lion Turtle” from avatar as I remember it from my younger years. I remember much poetry and many quotations, but this stands out to me in particular.

Allow our opening
Threw mines lies delusions or not.
Sincere hearts tension, insisting, asking, without.
Might non-commencing silence thrive in the abyss.
Older ways yield to purifying wants.
True, such is life, warfare.
From the beginning.

At the middle of the coat of arms, national tree of Barbados, the bearded fig tree (right on Barbados, left on Trinidad). The rock has a “turtle face,” the earth. Moss still grows on the back of the rock, imitating the shell of a turtle; it’s really a tree, The World Tree (Norse).

They world flooded and the waters receded remaining some cities underwater. Barbados almost completely submerged; it’s large a coral limestone formation.

And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. And the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters. (Gen 7:17-18)


 Josue Santos Garcia Arbaiza a young man I met while teaching, appears a Maori, and the Maori look like Olmecs; the Ibo have Olmec features as well.

Genesis  1-4

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. (Gen 1:1)
Image result for 7 layers of the atmosphere       

asato mā sadgamaya  (From the unreal to the Real, lead me.)
tamasomā jyotir gamaya (From darkness to Light, lead me.)
mrityormāamritam gamaya (From death to Immortality, lead me.)
Oṁ śhānti śhānti śhāntiḥ.

The islands are descended from the entire, dancing up and down the island chain, the Caribbean basin, and our names, lineage and languages betray the fallacy of evolution.
The noble Amerindians of Barbados are brown-haired, blonde, red-head, black-haired with sheen. Skin colors vary from blurk to brown, to red, to high brown, to clear, to white. This is the Andes Incan (Ihndeez Kuh’aiyi’ai’yan) quipu a writing and communication system, feathers (weather) with different colors and kinks. Her arms are in the form of the southern corss; it’s on my back.

That is Whole. This is Whole.
The Whole arises from the Whole.
Having taken the Whole from the Whole,
Only the Whole remains (Hindu Mantra)
Words are written varying letters or syllable sounds on petals; depending on the ethnic group petals are lettered layered bouncing dancing interwoven. Hooray!  Here are CHONPS, Carbon, Hydrogren, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulfur. DNA on chromosomes is organized as hands of bananas (atoms, dust clusters, electron cloud etc.). (Sogegih Ichiguanyan holds a trident). All hourglass shaped women are flowers, as groups interbred, petals and flowers danced to unique rhythms a unique dance, defining the ethnic group.
My shape-shifting face is at the bottom of the page. The “elephant” is at the top and the bottom; my big toe-nails grow out and clip them, I don’t clip other toe-mails, my two front teeth are very large and protrude, my two middle fingers are fatter and longer and have shorter nails than the rest of my fingers. My thumbs point downward while my middle fingers point outward.

The mantra Om Mani Pädme Hum is easy to say yet quite powerful, because it contains the essence of the entire teaching. –  Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Another name, Asier Illaramendi Andonegi stood out. The first Premier of Barbados Grantley Herbert Adams lived at Tyrol Cot and the first Prime Minster Errol Walton Barrow moved to Ilaro Court. Remember their facial features…

The pictures from the Canterbury Tales, show several characters with particular occupations, facial features, skin tones and colors, mounts/horses, color palettes of clothing…it’s the old pantheon. Basques are distinct from other Europeans; Spaniards had an interesting pantheon…our nursery rhyme, four white horses is the connection to the Iberian pantheon.

Four white horses in a stable, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go red banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go yella banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go blue banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go clear banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break off day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go black banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go greeng banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go blue banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go brown banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go white banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go mauve banana, yeah yeah we go off tomorrow, off tomorrow is a break up day, come together for a shadow play, shadow play we go gray banana…

While the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Gen 8:22)

And God said, “This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations.(Gen 9:12)

The Canaries, Cape Verde, Madeira, guanches chinote…we are ichiguanyan in shunnafuht. Plate tectonics prove creation. Natural Selection is a fact and plate tectonics is a fact, for example, West Africa and South American separated.  Fix the puzzle…compare the piecesIt’s obvious on a map.

The Bight of Benin and Bahia seem to be the location of one of the world’s earliest settlements. It’s at least 200 million years old with the carbon dating being incorrect, but the fossil record reveals a high degree of similarities between species found on either side of the river separating modern Africa and South America.This is the way humans spread out originally as evidenced by the five language strands in Africa and South America. The Antarctican (Gondwana) people are spread to Australia, the Indian subcontinent, South America, and Africa.

This is me…look at the faces closely…look at body shape closely

Our ancestral dynasties/states: Tawl.lup (Tula), Pusez.zuh.suh’ee’ee (Anasazi), Pokeetikulurz (Tikal) Baloo’oak.kee (Palenque), Cok.kuh.roachch (Cahokia) Kuh’ai’ai’yan (Cayenne) Pointeemowt.shuu (Machu Pichu) we are Ichiguanyan Teekum’tee’’ai’la’aa Bihm.mun.nee Bih.ihm.shai’aiyi’r Bar.bays.dus…

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